Tuesday, 22 November 2011

If evolution is real...

...then shouldn't we be a bit more careful in what we decide to create. I think that advancement in all areas related to life and technology can be a good thing. It has been a good thing in some areas. But not all advancements seem to have completely positive effects. Still we as humans continue to find ways to fix what we are already breaking. Is it wise to try and program cells to do what we humans would like for them to do? Imagine if the cells find a way to mutate, thus adapting. Would the outcome of such a thing be positive? Or does it even matter? (as long as it does something good, then no amount of bad can outweigh it)

I am writing this based on a news article I just read on CNN. [

Bid to program new life forms with 'operating system' for cells

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Ben Stockley for Surfrider Foundation

Seen a work photographed by Ben Stockley for the Surfrider Foundation on blog.estudiominga.com/2010/03/surfrider-foundation-europe/
Information about the work can be found in 'The Creative Review Photography Annual 2010', October 2010. The images are composed of rubbish floating in water. 

The images are well composed and easily interpreted. It raises questions about our role in what rubbish has found its way to the oceans and our role in cleaning it up and preventing it from collecting there in the future.